Holy Trinity Church Monumental Inscriptions

Holy Trinity Church is situated in Portland St., Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England.

The first volume of Gloucestershire Notes and Queries was published in 1881, edited by Rev. Beaver H. Blacker, M.A. The notes below are taken from this volume, and the spelling and grammar are as the original. The surnames have been put in capitals to aid identification.

This list covers only memorial inscriptions within the Church, and was compiled before 1881. Additions are most welcome

There are no less than one hundred and seventy two inscriptions, of which literal copies have been taken; and the following is an index to the names mentioned therein, with the date of death in each case :-

Henry ADDENBROOKE, Esq. July 6, 1857
Louisa ADDENBROOKE Nov. 30, 1859
John ALLEN, Esqr. April 5, 1850
Margaret ALLEN March 22, 1837
Eleanor Caroline ANNESLEY Sept. 21, 1843
Hon. Mary Anne ANNESLEY March 31, 1845
Margaret Sarah ARBUTHNOT May 6, 1844
John AYLMER, Esqr. Dec. 8, 1839
Elizabeth BARON July 22, 1876
John BARON, M.D., F.R.S. Oct. 2, 1851
Samuel BARRETT, Esqr., Jamaica June 13, 1824
Lieut.-Col. Thomas BARRON, H.E.I.C.S. May 25, 1844
John BASTIN April 11, 1845
Amelia BAYLIS April 11, 1831
Betty BAYLIS Sept. 5, 1830
Colonel Nathaniel BEAN Dec. 13, 1851
William Partington BENT, Esqr. Jan. 14, 1828
Jane Robertson BERRY Jan. 24, 1837
John BERRY, Esqr. Oct. 12, 1836
Catharine BILLAMORE Dec. 30, 1841
Capt. Frederick Hadow BILLAMORE, H.E.I.C.S. Aug. 20, 1835
Capt. Robert BILLAMORE, I.N. April 3, 1802
Lieut. Robert Ashmead BILLAMORE, H.E.I.C.S. May 7, 1818
Major Thomas Richard BILLAMORE, H.E.I.C.S. April 27, 1840
Susanna Maria BINGHAM Jan. 3, 1862
Georgiana Mary BIRD Sept. 21, 1849
John BIRD, Esqr., H.E.I.C.S. Aug.30, 1851
Capt. John BLANSHARD, I.N. Sept. 8, 1828
Elizabeth BODEN Aug. 24, 1827
Lieut.-Col Abraham BOLTON March 20, 1857
Charles Thomas Lyndon BOLTON Oct. 5, 1848
Eliza Fanny BOLTON May 13, 1848
Elizabeth BRADNEY April 19, 1830
Jane Harriet BRADY Feb. 25, 1842
Margaret BROWNE May 29, 1838
Margaret Catharine BUCHAN April 27, 1847
Henry BULKELEY, Esqr. March 27, 1848
Col. William BURROUGHS, H.E.I.C.S. June 7, 1853
Louisa BURROWES Oct. 27, 1837
Louisa Ricketts BURROWES Jan. 23, 1838
Hon. Anne BUTLER May 19, 1857
Sarah BYRCHALL Nov. 11, 1832
Lady Anne CLAYTON Nov. 23, 1837
Lydia Lucy Augusta CLUNES Oct. 28, 1842
Mary Ruth CLUNES Oct. 27, 1842
Selina Elizabeth CLUNES June 19, 1847
Admiral Sir Isaac COFFIN, Bart, G.C.H. July 23, 1839
Lady Anna Maria COGHILL March 10, 1848
Geraldine Octavia COGHILL 1828
Richard Warren COLEY, M.D., R.N. Dec. 18, 1839
Eliza Pulleyn CROWDER Aug. 27, 1851
Colonel John CROWDER, K.H. Aug. 27, 1838
Sarah CROWTHER Feb. 6, 1833
Major John William DAWSON, H.E.I.C.S. Feb. 13, 1832
Mary Beaty DAWSON April 20, 1847
Eleanor DEWDNEY [April 2, 1857]
Emily [Letitia] DEWDNEY [Jan. 31, 1855]
Emily [Junr] DEWDNEY [Feb. 8, 1850]
Lieut. Charles DOUGLAS, R.H.A. June 7, 1827
Harriet DOUGLAS Sept. 21, 1857
Isabella DOUGLAS June 18, 1847
Major Robert Sholto DOUGLAS, R.A. Oct. 2, 1831
Harriott DOWRICK April 6, 1863
Nathaniel DOWRICK, Esq. April 3, 1833
Georgina Helen DUFF Jan. 1, 1832
Ann DURBIN Apr. 3, 1848
Joseph Jeanes DURBIN [Esqr] April 18, 1848
Lieut.-General [Alexander] DYCE, H.E.I.C.S. Dec. 24, 1835
Hester Sophia FINLAY May 22, 1839
Lady Elizabeth FITZ ROY March 30, 1839
Dowager Lady Mary FORD Jan. 20, 1837
Annie Charlotte FOSTER Dec. 6, 1836
Elizabeth Ann FRENCH Jan. 3, 1844
Elizabeth Mary Robinson FRENCH Jan. 10, 1839
Miles Mundy FRENCH, Esqr. Jan. 19, 1843
Caroline FROBISHER Nov. 4, 1833
Lieut.-Col. Charles GARDINER Oct. 12, 1838
Lady Margaret GEORGE March 22, 1835
Frances GILLMAN May 22, 1846
Frances GILLMAN [Junr] March 24, 1858
John GILLMAN, Esqr., Surgeon, H.E.I.C.S. Jan. 8, 1830
Sarah GRASSETT Oct. 14, 1837
Lieut.-Col. Thomas GREENTREE, H.E.I.C.S. March 26, 1830
Jane GUBBS Oct. 25, 1849
John GUBBS, Esqr. Aug. 31, 1840
Dorothy HALL Feb. 25, 1842
William HALL, Esqr. April 15, 1834
Anna LLoyd HAMER Jan. 17, 1856
Jane HARRIS July 22, 1829
Capt. Charles Moore HARRISON June 3, 1833
Mary HELSHAM Nov. 12, 1837
Hannah HENLY March 11, 1854
John HENLY, Veterinary Surgeon Oct. 7, 1842
Sophia HENSHAW Feb. 6, 1837
Henry HEYMAN, Esqr. Feb. 25, 1825
Mary HEYMAN March 10, 1844
Rosina HEYMAN Feb. 20, 1834
Catharine HICKES Nov. 15, 1821
Colonel Warner Westenra HIGGINS, K.H. Nov. 9, 1857
Revd. David HOPKINS Jan. 26, 1842
Mary HOPKINS Feb. 9, 1836
William HOPKINS, Esqr. March 22, 1833
Arthur Josiah HORT May 13, 1842
Louisa Josephine HORT Dec. 11, 1841
Lady Margaret HORT Sep. 15, 1843
Lady Katherine HOWARD Feb. 24, 1842
Marianne HUME Jan. 2, 1845
Charles HUMFREY March 2, 1838
Elizabeth HUMFREY [Junr.] March 19, 1826
Elizabeth HUMFREY Oct. 16, 1844
Emily HUMFREY March 1820
Henry HUMFREY, H.E.I.C.S. Sept. 17, 1842
Lieut.-Gen. John HUMFREY, R.E. April 5, 1832
William Henry HUMFREY, H.E.I.C.S. Sept. 23, 1827
Frances HUNT Sept. 8, 1835
Thomas Welch HUNT, Esqr. 1824
Catherine HUTCHINS Aug. 15, 1871
Major George Henry HUTCHINS, H.E.I.C.S. March 10, 1844
Lieut.-Col. George HUTCHINSON, H.E.I.C.S., F.R.S. Aug. 28, 1852
General Sir William HUTCHINSON, K.C.H. Aug. 28, 1845
Lowman JEFFERY Oct. 29, 1841
Grace JOHN March 13, 1835
Mary Elizabeth JOHNSTONE Sept. 9, 1843
Lieut.-Col. John G[uildford] D[udley] JORDAN April 30, 1836
Philip JUSTICE, Esqr. Sept. 29, 1827
Nugent KIRKLAND, Esqr. Feb. 2, 1840
Harriet KNIGHT Nov. 12, 1829
Lieut.-Col. Edward KNOX March 3, 1849
Jane LANE, BARBADOS April 23, 1837
Sarah LANGFORD June 13, 1838
Barrett LEE (widow of Colonel LEE) Jan. 22, 1875
Colonel Michael White LEE Feb. 10, 1847
Elizabeth LEMAISTRE July 11, 1857
John Gustavus LEMAISTRE Nov. 4, 1840
Louisa Frances LINDSEY Aug. 2, 1848
Owen LINDSEY, Esqr., M.D. March 17, 1851
Susan LINDSEY Dec. 22, 1854
Robert LUCAS April 16, 1856
Charlotte Jeanette McALLISTER Dec. 28, 1836
Elizabeth Pomeroy McGHIE June 17, 1826
Sibella MACLEAN Nov. 18, 1839
Mary MANNERS Nov. 2, 1849
Major Thomas MANNERS March 7, 1834
Sir William MARJORIBANKS, Bart. Sept. 22, 1834
Francis MRKLAND, Esqr. Feb. 5, 1833
Mary MARKLAND Aug. 10, 1839
Mary MASSIE Dec. 9, 1861
Watkin Williams MASSIE, Esqr., H.E.I.C.S. April 25, 1838
Mary MATTHEW Feb. 15, 1844
Hon. Frances MAUDE May 1, 1832
Clara MAYERS May 24, 1858
Eleonora MAYERS May 3, 1845
Eleonora Lynch MAYERS April 25, 1843
Henry Adams MAYERS, Esqr., Barbados Oct. 19, 1836
Laura MAYERS March 6, 1842
Elizabeth MEARA Dec. 6, 1838
Revd. John MEARA Oct. 26, 1839
Elizabeth MERRY Dec. 6, 1843
William MERRY, Esqr. Nov. 23, 1855
Maria Frederica MINCHIN March 4, 1848
Capt. John MOLYNEUX July 7, 1852
Hon. [Lieut.-Col.] Robert MOORE Sept. 17, 1831
Elizabeth MORGAN Dec. 5, 1864
Hannah MORGAN Dec. 10, 1835
Hill MORGAN, M.D., H.E.I.C.S. April 25, 1842
Sarah Anne MORGAN Dec. 8, 1822
Anne Babington MOSLEY Nov. 14, 1837
Capt. George Patrick O'MALLEY Nov. 26, 1844
Arthur PAGE, Esqr. Barrister Jan. 11, 1829
Major Preston Fryer PARKE Feb. 2, 1832
Lieut. George PATRICKSON, H.E.I.C.S. July 22, 1829
Grace PATRICKSON Jan. 1, 1843
Hannah Hoey PATRICKSON Jan. 21, 1833
Mary PATRICKSON March 6, 1854
Rebecca Maria PATRICKSON May 24, 1841
Thomas PATRICKSON, Esqr. May 27, 1819
Lady Elizabeth PAUL April 17, 1836
John William PAXTON, Esqr., H.E.I.C.S. June 21, 1831
Colonel Thomas PENSON, H.E.I.C.S. June 27, 1835
Thomas PICKFORD, Esqr. May 24, 1846
Elizabeth Jane PIGGOTT Oct. 23, 1846
Joseph Moseley PIGGOTT, Esqr. May 4, 1844
Elizabeth Narney PITTS Oct. 11, 1839
James David POTTS, Esqr. Nov. 16, 1844
Anna Maria Frances PROLE June 28, 1840
Ellen Margaret PROLE Jan. 13, 1840
Lieut.-General George PROLE, H.E.I.C.S. Aug. 6, 1835
George Claudius PROLE March 17, 1830
Major George Newton PROLE, H.E.I.C.S. Sept. 15, 1839
Lydia PROLE May 25, 1844
Henry Percy PULLEINE, Esqr. May 1, 1833
Sir George Best ROBINSON, Bart. Jan. 27, 1855
Dame Louisa ROBINSON Aug. 9, 1843
Anne ROOKE Feb. 14, 1829
Henry John ROSS, Esqr., Crown Solicitor, Jamaica May 10, 1830
Frances Maria SCOTT Sept. 5, 1845
Thomas SCOTT, Esqr. May 31, 1843
Albinia Frances SELWYN May 29, 1847
Congreve SELWYN, M.D. Oct. 2, 1846
Thomas SHIRLEY, Esqr. Feb. 22, 1834
John SHOOLBRED, Esqr., M.D. Oct. 12, 1831
General Edward Melian Gullifer SHOWERS, R.A. Dec. 13, 1868
Stephen St. George SHOWERS July 21, 1869
Revd. John SLINGSBY, Fell. King,s Coll. Cam. Sept. 2, 1826
Anne SMITH Feb. 13, 1833
Anne Dorothea Harrison SMITH July 26, 1843
Hon. Charlotte Juliana SMITH Oct. 26, 1830
Edmund Carrington SMITH Nov. 22, 1857
Colonel James SMITH, H.E.I.C.S. April 6, 1830
Lieut.-Col. John Carrington SMITH Oct. 20, 1843
John Somerset SMITH Nov. 25, 1827
Eliza SPROULE Nov. 6, 1827
Samuel SPROULE, Esqr., M.D., H.E.I.C.S. May 31, 1829
Edward STARKIE, Esqr. Nov. 4, 1834
William STARKIE, Esqr. Oct. 26, 1834
Jonas STAWELL, Esqr. Jan. 15, 1835
Lieut.-Col. Josiah STEWART, C.B., H.E.I.C.S. Nov. 23, 1839
Jackson STOCKDALE, Esqr. Feb. 26, 1838
Imogen SWINHOE    NOTE Sep. 23 1878
Julia Lucy SYKES June 22, 1832
Frances Wentworth TAYLOR Sept. 17, 1841
Helena TAYLOR Dec. 19, 1836
James TAYLOR, Esqr. June 22, 1839
Capt. William THOMASON, H.E.I.C.S. June 29, 1835
Anne Sophia TIMINS Nov. 19, 1863
Charles Sheldon TIMINS, Esqr. Com. R.N. April 13, 1838
Hon. Sarah Maria TOLLEMACHE Jan. 3, 1835
Charlotte Mary Amy TYLER July 2, 1831
John Chatfield TYLER, Esqr. Oct. 15, 1851
George Francis TYSON, Esqr. July 7, 1827
Marianne TYSON Dec. 11, 1846
Frances VANBRUGH June 24, 1832
Charlotte VASSALL March 5, 1825
Maria Jane VELLEY Aug. 30, 1866
Juliana Charlotte WADE June 25, 1835
H. P. WALLACE, Esqr. Aug. 12, 1869
Colonel Augustus WARBURTON May 22, 1836
John WARD, Esqr. Oct. 17, 1841
Martha WARD March 14, 1839
Elizabeth WARRINGTON Feb. 22, 1841
Peter WATSON, Esqr. June 6, 1836
Georgina WEST April 30, 1843
James WILLIAMSON, Esqr., M.D., H.E.I.C.S. Aug. 18, 1850
Capt. John R.F. WILLOUGHBY, H.E.I.C.S. June 3, 1852
Sarah Nickleson WILLOUGHBY Feb. 21, 1853
Lieut.-Gen. Sir Wiltshire WILSON, R.A., K.C.H. May 8, 1842
Mary WOOD May 19, 1851
William WOOD, Esqr., Surgeon Sept. 21, 1838
Catherine WORDIE April 11, 1837
Agnes WRIGHT June 6, 1841

The burials beneath the church, and in the surrounding churchyard, have been very numerous. The register dates only from Dec. 19, 1823; but it contains many important entries, the total amount of burials amounting (Dec 12, 1877) to 894.

Elizabeth BODEN. In a vault beneath this church are deposited the remains of Elizth. BODEN, who died the 24th Augst., 1827, aged 19 years. By her decease the residuary property of her father (the late Lieut. Col. Joseph BODEN, of the Hon. East India Company's Bombay Establishment), now in the Court of Chancery, estimated at the sum of £25,000 or thereabouts, devolves to the University of Oxford, and according to the following directions extracted from his will, dated the 15th August 1811, is 'to be by that Body appropriated in and towards the erection and endowment of a Professorship in the Sanscrit Language at or in any or either of the Colleges in the said University, being of opinion that a more general and critical knowledge of that language will be a means of enabling my countrymen to proceed in the conversion of the natives of India to the Christian Religion, by disseminating a knowledge of the Sacred Scriptures amongst them, more effectually than all other means whatsoever.' Lieut.-Col BODEN died at Lisbon on the 21st Novr., 1811. To perpetuate his memory, and record the pious purpose to which he devoted his property to be applied, the surviving executors of his last will and testament have caused this tablet to be here affixed."

NOTE. Imogen SWINHOE was not named in the original Gloucestershire Notes and Queries list.

The following information was supplied by Roy Hyde.

I note that the list of Holy Trinity Church Monumental Inscriptions leaves out one of the most widely known, if not notorious, people buried there. I refer to Imogen Swinhoe, also known as "The Cheltenham Ghost". She left Swinhoe shortly before he died in 1876 and, I assume, went to live with her sister at Clifton. She herself died there two years later and was brought back to Cheltenham for burial in the same grave as her parents. Their headstone is one of those lying close to the church, just off Portland Street. This reads:-

Sacred to the memory of MAJOR GEORGE HENRY HUTCHINS
Late of the 30-Bengal Native Infantry
who departed this life the 10th of March 1844
also of
who died August 15th 1871
Also of
Who died at Clifton
SEPTR 23RD 1878 AGED 41

Further information on "The Cheltenham Ghost" is available from the Cheltenham4u web site