Longney Church Memorial Inscriptions 1879

The first volume of Gloucestershire Notes and Queries was published in 1881, edited by Rev. Beaver H. Blacker, M.A. The notes below are taken from this volume, and the spelling and grammar are as the original. The surnames have been put in capitals to aid identification.

This list covers only the memorial inscriptions within the church and churchyard recorded in 1879. Additions to the list are most welcome.

Literal copies of the inscriptions in the Church, and of some in the Churchyard, have been given in The Genealogist, vol. iii., pp. 214-215 (January 1879) ; and the following is an index to the names mentioned therein, with the date of death in each case :-

FRYER, Elizabeth Aug. 11, 1876 Note
FRYER, Hannah April 10, 1766
FRYER, Hannah March 20, 1821
FRYER, Hannah Aug. 9, 1849 Note
FRYER, Henry Aug. 11, 1815
FRYER, John, Gent. Dec. 23, 1783
FRYER, John, Gent. Jan. 3, 1799
FRYER, John Hawkins, Gent. Aug. 25, 1794
FRYER, Mary Jan. 20, 1770 Note
FRYER, Mary Jan. 15, 1772
FRYER, Matthew Aug. 2, 1789 Note
FRYER, Sarah March 5, 1772 Note
FRYER, Sarah Dec. 25, 1803
FRYER, Sarah July 7, 1806
FRYER, Susanna Aug. 19, 1797 Note
FRYER, William Oct. 31, 1774 Note
FRYER, William, Gent. Feb. 27, 1843 Note
LITTLETON, Mary Aug. 24, 1714
LITTLETON, Revd. Mr Richd., M.A., Rector Oct. 6, 1713
LITTLETON, William Dec. 3, 1695
LONGNEY, John March 11, 1862 Note
WEIGHT, Ann July 12, 1815 Note
WEIGHT, Hester Jan. 23, 1865 Note
WEIGHT, William Aug. 23, 1836 Note

Note. In the churchyard. (The other are all in the Church)