The Parish Register of Pebworth : Marriages, 1595-1700
The first volume of Gloucestershire Notes and Queries was published in 1881, edited by Rev. Beaver H. Blacker, M.A. The notes below are taken from this volume, and the spelling and grammar are as the original.
The following are all the marriages in the register of this parish down to the year 1700, inclusive.
Thomas P. Wadley, M.A.,
Naunton Rectory, Pershore.
Oct. 16. John Vale and Avis Vnderhill.
Nov. 12. Mathew Fulwell and An Powell.
Jan. 15. Richard Cooke and An Rascole.
Jan. John Skidmore and Elizabeth Knight.
June 29. John Bearn and Elizabeth Belcher, wid.
Oct. 19. William Charlet and Margaret Simmes.
Nov. 4. Luke Snedle and Mary Wokes.
Dec. 6. Thomas Warde and Elizabeth Marten.
April. Anker Kinman and Jone Maunder.
Aug. 25. Bartholomew Handy and Katherine Newall.
Oct. 12. William Wollerson and Margaret Hodgkis.
Sept. 20. Thomas Brooke and Margaret Knight.
Jan. 14. Robert Marten and Mary Yate.
April 10. Anthony Cormell and Katherine Steward.
June 12. Francis Welles, Vicar of Micleton, and Susan Write.
July 2. Phillip Gardiner and Margaret Marten.
Oct. 19. John Maunder and Elizabeth Steward.
1601. Jan. 17. Henry Ballard and Alice Knight.
July 24. John Snedyll and Ann Kymbell.
July 28. William Yate and Johan Chamberlayne.
Oct. 20. Thomas Hemminges and Katherine Kerwood.
Nov. 23. Robert Gybbons and Elizabeth Yate.
Nov. 26. Richard Porter and Joan Turner.
Dec. 7. Gervase Yate and Joan Martenn.
1604. Aug. 26. Thorns' Appleby and Alice Snedyll.
July 1. John Rawlens and Elizabeth Williams.
July 2. Thomas Curnock and Katharin Kymbell.
Feb. 11. Thomas Gilson, of Micleton, and Ann Wilkes, of this parish.
Jan. 27. Richard Toms and Ann Maunder, both of this par.
June 12. Thomas Moore and Joan Shakle, both of this par.
Oct. 22. Edward Ray and Isabel Oakeley, both of this par.
1608. April 8. Thomas Widowes, of Mychellton, and Vrsula Slatter, of the par. of Pembworth.
1611. Aug. 6. John Vale and Margaret Ray, both of this par.
June 8. Thomas Cooper et Maria Martin, ambo huius par.Note 2
Nov. 25. William Wallker and Frissewide ----.
Nov. 28. Richard Skidmore and Elizabeth Marten.
June 10. Johannes Slatter et Maria Ballard, ambo huius p'rochiae.
June 28. Hugo Marian et Maria Morrells.
Nov. 9. Richard Willetts and Elizabeth Rawlens.
Jan. Jacobus Harris et Jone Harward.
Nov. 12. Edmondus (sic) de par. Pebworth, et Maria Getway de Myckelto'.
[The Pebworth transcript for 1613, in the registry at Gloucester, does not contain this entry.]
Nov. 15. John Greene and Jone Enmes [Emes in the transcript], both of this par.
July 10. John Barret and Sara Cottrell, both of this par.
May 8. Eichard Tomson, of Abbotts Morton, and Ann Hopkens, of this par.
Feb. 13. Johannes Torner et Maria Bushell, ambo huius parochie. Note 3
1616. Jan. 14. John Bicknell and Alice Enmes.
1617. Nov. 11. Richardus Willis de Fenny Compton et Johanna Rutter de Mychelton.
1618. Aug. 6. Johannes Purson [? Purser] de Hitcott et Alicia Slatter.
May 29. John Miller, of this par., and Anne Heminge, daughter of wid Anne Heminge, of Upton, in the par. of Haseler.
Thomas Riland & Jone Powell weere maried att brodmarston in the Chappell there July the 15.
June 18. Edward Martin and Anne Kamden.
June 19. John Ballard and Mary Slatter.
July 28. William Knight and Margarett Woolerson.
Sept. 24. Thomas Coop' and Jone Blake.
Feb. 3. [Jan. 23 in the transcript] Thomas Turner and Elizabeth Yatts.
July 14. Edward Bonner and Israel Yattes. Note 4
Nov. 13. Richard Ballard and Katherin Martin, the younger.
1624. Oct. 29. William Simons and Elizabeth Camden.
Aug. 12. George Blythe and Dorothie Clemens.
Aug. 23. John Morris, of Cundecott, and Mary Hieron, of Cow honyborne.
April 29. John Moore, of Labberton, and Joyce Yatts, of brodmarston.
Feb. 3. Thomas Warkman and Margarit Harris.
1629. Feb. 14. William Ram and Katherin Bloxam.
July 6. Thomas Harris and Elizabeth Coop', of Offenham.
July 25, George Beckett and Anne Raynalds.
Oct. 4. Walter floyd and Mary Durram.
Oct. 10. William Tarran and Joyce Sneedle.
Oct. 14. Thomas Dixon and Ann Williams.
1632. Oct. 13. Hugh Miller and Frauncs' Keck.
[All the Keck entries in the Pebworth register from this date down to 1714 may be seen in Dr. Marshall's Genealogist, vol. iii., p. 176.
July 4. Gregory Canning and Mary Sneedle.
July 4. William Thornhill and Eliza: Sneedle.
Nov. 9. Rich: Stephens and Jone Adams.
May 14. Rich : Miller and Vrsula Randall.
July 13. Edward Dyer and Alice Tandy.
Oct. 5. John Greenhill and Sara Harris.
Nov. 28. Richard Dixon and Issabell Buttler.
Jan. 25. Robertt Horrell and Margaritt Keck.
1636. Aug. 12. Edward James and Anne Higgons.
May 23. Frauncis Biddle and Vrsula Raynalls weere married in the p'ish church of Pebworth.
Nov. 20. Thomas Yeate and Elizabeth Brookes.
1640. Oct. 1. John Grizzell and Susanna Durham.
1654. According to an Act Passed from ye hands of his Highnesse Oliver Cromwell, ye lord Protector, concerning matrimonie, John, ye son of John Millerd, & Elinor, ye daughter of John Mau--- of Morton Bagget, were married the 28 of September.
1655. Feb. 7. Giles Tomes, the elder, of Burmington, & Marie, the daughter of Richard Browne, of
broad Marston.
Sept. 14. John Jabson, of Barton on the Heath, and Mary Gilbert, of Pebworth.
Sept. 26. Edward Richardson and Elizabeth Mason.
June 17. Robert, son of Edward Martin, and Sarai Atwood, of the par. of Astoncantloe.
Oct. 11. Thomas Hues and Elyzabeth Blyzard.
1660. Oct. 25. George Warmington, of Rishford, in the Parish of Sauford [Salford, co. Warwick], and Jane Greenhill.
1661. Sept. 29. John Yeats and -- t-- ne Coop', of Marston Sicca.
[The parish register of Middle Littleton, co. Worcester, records the marriage of Anthony
Sadler, of Pebworth, and Sarah Bushell, of North Littleton, 27 May, 1662.]
1662. Oct. 13. William Kight and Mary Bird, both of this par.
April 28. William White, of Buckland, and Anne Cooke, of this par.
Dec. 5. Robert Harris and Elizabeth Roberts, of Church honyborne.
May 30. William Aliene and Anne Smith.
July 21. Robert Martin and Mary Bird.
Oct. 2. Edward Johnson and Jone Dyer.
Nov. 20. John Johnson and Jane Gilbert.
1670. June 11. William Tappyn and Sarah Barrette.
1671. July 30. William Allen and Anne Page.
June 16. John Gardiner and Mary Dixon.
Sept. 1. William Walker and Frances Sadler.
Sept. 30. Thomas Dixon and Ednah Harris.
April 6. Thomas Howes and Sarah White, spinster.
April 7. William Tappin and Mary Bompas.
["Robert Coopper of Pebworth & Mis baker of Whichford was married" 20 Aug., 1675 : entry in the register of Whichford, co. Warwick.]
1676. March 27. William Johnson and Margaret Reason.
Jan. 14. Richard Bodily and Isabell Charlett.
1678. Oct. 17. Robert Harris and Alice Lyddiate.
1679. J ------- and Helen Walford.
1680. Sept. 20. Thomas Ballard and Frances Barnes.
April 18. John Bodily and Anne Sadler.
Nov. 17. William Shakle and Mary Banister.
Jan. 20. William Archer and Alice Smyth.
Feb. 19. Richard Sadler and Christian Barnes.
May 20. John Cornack and Judeth Johnsons.
Feb. 2. Thomas Wells and Mary Rimwell.
1684. Nov. 3. John Rimwell and Anne Biddle.
Sept. 17. Richard Ballard and Mary Willis.
Jan. Edward Belcher and Mary Toms.
April. Jeremiah Gibbs and Rose Cooke.
May 1. Thomas Jones and Sarah Richardson.
May 25. Thomas Cooper and Elinor Millard.
July 13. Thomas Andrewes and Mary Martin.
Sept. 28. Robert Davis and Vrsula Belcher.
Sept. 5. William Shelton and Ann Yate.
Oct. 1. John Burson and Katherine Shakle.
1688. Dec. 4. William Shakle and Anne Bonner.
1689. April 8. Thomas Bragginton and Joane Ryland.
Aug. 5. Thomas Richardson and Dinah Banister.
June 8. Zachary Whitehed and Jane Gibs.
Sept. 29. Ralph Cox and Bridget Ryland.
1691. April 14. Thomas Baker and Margaret Martin.
March 27. John Snedwell, sen., and Mary Cooke.
Aug. 8. Thomas Yeardenall and An Martin.
Sept. 10. Thomas Boovey and Sarah Howes.
Nov. 23. Edward Richardson and Susannah Kempson. Note 5
Nov. 27. William Burrowes and Margaret Johnsons.
Feb. 13. Henry Richardson and Anne Shakle.
April 24. Richard Medes and Margaret Martin.
Dec. 6. Robert Roy and Elizabeth Shilton.
Jan. Robert Enocke, of Sibbord, Oxon, and Anne Kecke, of Broadmarston.
Feb. 6. John Millard and Jane Alexander, of Barton [in the par. of Bidford, co. Warwick].
April 23. John Goodman and Anne Harris.
June 12. John Wilkins and Anne Larham.
Dec. 17. John Edon and Mary Woollerston.
Feb. 2. John Bell and Jane Horwood.
May 4. William Walker and Mary Prat.
June 5. Edward Holtam and Anne Edkins.
June 11. Thomas Holtam and Mary Web.
June 26. Thomas Hieron and Margaret Dixon.
July 4. Thomas Edkins and Anne Harrison.
Oct. 1. Thomas Clayton and Susanna Payne.
Sept. 10. John White and Mary Snedwell.
Oct. 19. William Johnsons and Mary Camden.
Dec. 25. Thomas Ryland and Isabell Gardiner.
Jan. 14. Robert Martin, Gent., and Mary Brisco.
June. William Mayles and Mary Weston.
Aug. 12. William Collette and Mary Gibbs.
Nov. 18. Richard Haines, of Long Marston, and Mary Symkins.
Nov. 13. Richard Larham and Alice Smyth.
Nov. 20. Stephen Vicaridge and Hannah Tandy.
May 20. Richard Tappan and Sarah Yokins.
Sept. 3. Samuell Banister and Mary Smyth.
Oct. 29. George Tayler and Anne Tayler.
Nov. 9. Tombes Mealing and Elizabeth Snedwell.
June 29. Richard Ingles and Mary Belcher, both of Cow Honyborne.
July 28. John Martin and Mary Cooper.
Sept. 16. Thomas Clayton and Elinour Gilkes.
Oct. 6. William Greenhill and Elinour Howell.
Oct. 12. William Potter and Joane Holtom, both of Welford.
Dec. 15. Richard Larham and Mary Booker.
Jan. 26. Richard Collett and Anne White.
Note 1. A paper by Mr. Wadley, entitled "Some Particulars of the Parish of Pebworth," - Shakespeare's" piping Pebworth" - has been printed in the Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (1879-80), vol. iv., pp. 214-230.
Note 2. There appears to have been, not long since, an inscription in the church to the memory of Mary, wife of Thomas Cooper, of Pebworth; died 9 June, 1641, "aged about 61." She was probably the patient of whom mention is made by John Hall, physician, son-in-law of the poet Shakespeare, in his Select observations on English bodies, - "Cooper Marit of Pebworth, aged 48. perceived vapors or wind ascending from her feet into the stomack."
Note 3. The Rev. Thomas Rudge states in his History of Gloucestershire, published in 1803, that the manor of Broad Marston, in the parish of Pebworth, continued in the Bushell family for eleven generations.
Note 4. Thomas Bonner, of Chipping Campden, whose will was proved in London, 4 Dec., 1558, bequeathed to his youngest son, Anthony Bonner, lands and tenements in Campden, Ullington, Pebworth, &c.
Note 5. This marriage is also recorded in the parish register at Binton, co. Warwick, - Edward Richardson als' Saunders, of Pebworth, and Susannah Kempson, of this Parish, 23 Nov., 1692. The Kempsons, or Kempstons, of Binton, were a branch of those at Temple Grafton, a family connected by marriage with the Bushells, and bearing for arms or, three bars vert, in chief as many mullets azure. In 1697 Mary Kempson, of Binton, was married to John Clarke, of Pebworth.