Thomas Flight Settlement Certificate

Transcript taken from original in Gloucestershire Record Office , P272a OV 3/1 Rodborough Settlement Certificates.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar as original.

To the Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor, and other inhabitants of the parish of Rodborough in the County of Gloucester.

We the Minister, Churchwardens, Overseers of the Poor, and other inhabitants of the parish of King Stanley in the said County of Glouc:. Whose names are here unto subscribed, do hereby desire you to permit Thomas Flight Clothworker and Ann his wife and his family that he now hath (or may hereafter have)(legal parishioners) of our said parish of King Stanley to inhabit and reside in your parish of Rodborough to follow [his] Lawful Calling without your molestation and we do hereby for our selves and successors respectively to save harmless and [indempnify] your said parish of Rodborough, and to receive them, the said Thomas Flight and his family and every of them into our said parish of King Stanley as legal parishioners there whensoever he or they, or either of them, shall happen to be come chargeable to [all] relief according to the late Act of parliament in that case made and provided - In Witness where of we have here unto set our hands and seals this march 18 Annoq Dom 1708/9

Sealed and delivered by the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor in the presence of







W Fletcher Overseers


S Garner Thos Blanche  
S Prack Wm. [Close]