Slimbridge Marriages 1745 - 1774

Transcript taken from Gloucestershire Parish Registers, Marriages, Volume 1. Edited by W.P.W. Phillimore, M.A.B.C.L.
Published in London, 1896. The notes, spelling and grammar are all as per the original.

Note  - The registers of Slimbridge Church are, unfortunately, extremely imperfect. For more than a third of the period comprised in the following extract there are no records extant, as will be seen by this list of the missing years.

1653-1659 1670 1680-1682 1684 1687-1707
1723-1729 1733-1738 1742 1799-1800

This abstract has been made by the Rev. W. Symonds, M.A., Vicar of Frocester, and is now printed by permission of the Rev. C.R. Ridding, M.A., Rector of Slimbridge.

Samuel Worston & Dina Nixon 19 Aug. 1745
Edward Millard & Mary holboro' 25 Aug. 1745
Thomas Davis of Barkley & Bettey Roggers 14 Oct. 1745
Roberd Browning of Frampton & Sarah Workman 4 Nov. 1745
John Pagler & Sarah Wots 13 Jan. 1745
Daniel, son of John Aldridge of Hampton, Gloucs. & Mary Millard 22 Sep. 1746
Robert Jones & Elizabeth Pagler 2 Jan. 1747
John Hulboro & Sarah Ricketts 19 Feb. 1747
Samuel Wheeler & Mary Webb 13 Aug. 1747
Charles Creswick & Sarah Willy 18 Oct. 1747
David Penn of Lidney & Mary Wilts of Berkley 28 July 1748
Samuel Daw of Frampton & Sarah Pride 27 Sep. 1748
William Driver of Cam. & Hannah Horston 30 Oct. 1748
William Curnock & Ann Davis 16 May 1749
George Haines of K. Stanley & Ann Budding 17 Dec. 1749
William Sier of Redmarley, Worc. & Sarah Mabbet 9 Jan. 1750
Samuel Heavn of Minchinhampton & Edith Heaven 26 Feb. 1750
William Long & Rachell Veasy 29 Apr. 1750
Thomas Hulboro & Susannah Mallet 30 Apr. 1750
Samuel Nelm & Mary Heskins 1 May 1750
Henry Waters, St. Phil. & Jac., Bristol & Betty Newman 12 Apr. 1751
Edmund Workman & Elizabeth Hall 4 May 1751
James King & Sarah Bubb 9 May 1751
James Sadler of Little Dean & Mary King 28 July 1751
William Hopkins, Stinchchcombe & Elizabeth Nelme 28 Mar. 1752
Robert Verry & Elizabeth Taynton, both of Stroud 30 Sep. 1752
James Haven & Sarah Welstead 10 Oct. 1752
William Watts, of Stinchcombe & Elizabeth Eyett 25 Dec. 1752
Joseph King, Cam. & Elizabeth Mallet 28 Sep. 1752
Richard Greenaway of Arlingham & Sarah Craft 6 Nov. 1753
Aaron Smith & Martha Holboro of Laiterton 6 Dec. 1753
Richard Longford of Kemble & Mary Cave 24 Oct. 1754
Roberton Stone of S. Weston, Oxon & Deborah Hicks 28 Nov. 1754
John White & Mary Smith 9 Sep. 1755
James Daw, Junr., of Frampton & Mary Smart 13 Oct. 1755
Joseph Pearce & Mary Hanman of Berkeley, w. 27 Nov. 1755
John Curnock & Sarah Pearce, w. 4 Dec. 1755
James Vere of Little Dean & Ann Cowley 19 Apr. 1756
Edward Horrod & Mary Hodges 20 Apr. 1756
James Baker of Thornbury & Elinor Manning 25 Apr. 1756
John Simes, sen. & Hannah Mallet 1 May 1756
Moses Fliefield of Halesowen & Marry [sic] Millard 3 May 1756
Philip Smith & Mary Abbet 29 May 1756
Edward Lawrence, w. & Jane Horwood, w. 8 Nov. 1756
Samuel Bendall of Cam & Mary Trotman 12 Sep. 1757
William Orchard of Berkeley & Betty Mallet 4 Nov. 1757
William Williams & Elizabeth Webb 5 Jan. 1758
Edward Hallier of Charfield & Mary Shipway 5 Feb. 1758
Richard Fennell & Elizabeth Manning 20 Apr. 1758
Daniel Aldridge & Hannah Paradise 15 May 1758
William Rugg & Hannah Daw 22 Aug. 1758
John Collis of Cam & Abigail Merrett 6 Nov. 1758
Giles Workman of Wotton & Betty Marling 19 Nov. 1758
Thomas Driver of Thornbury & Mary Willis 8 Apr. 1759
Samuel Evans & Betty Longdon 17 Apr. 1759
Thomas Lawrence of Berkeley & Rachel Baker 4 June 1759
John Griffin & Ann Edwards 29 July 1759
Thomas Curnock & Mary Hardin 24 Sep. 1759
John Stokes of Berkeley & Susannah Mallet 25 Oct. 1759
William Gowen & Elizabeth Cowley 8 Dec. 1759
Thomas Etheridge of Frethern & Elizabeth Cross 5 Apr. 1760
Caleb Daw & Mary Pearce 3 June 1760
John Cross & Esther Willis 14 July 1760
John Barret of Minsterwood & Elizabeth Davis 15 July 1760
William Gibbins of Stonehouse & Anna Mallett 21 Oct. 1760
Daniel Cribb of St. Jame's & Mary Davis 23 Oct. 1760
John Aldridge & Esther Hatherway 24 Nov. 1760
Giles Bendell & Ann Ginnings 31 jan. 1761
Thomas Morgan & Mary Turton, w. 3 Feb. 1761
William Workman & Sarah Leonard 16 Apr. 1761
Samuel King & Sarah Sims 6 Sep. 1761
William Mallett & Mary Pegler 18 Oct. 1761
John Pearce & Elizabeth Mallet 18 Apr. 1762
Peter Broadshaw & Susannah Mallet 22 Apr. 1762
John Smith & Mary Wellsted 14 May 1762
Thomas Webb & Sarah Lawrence 16 Aug. 1762
William Mallet, w. & Mary Bendall 3 Oct. 1762
Richard Pool & Ann Teakell 10 Oct. 1762
Thomas Holder & Mary Sims 13 Jan. 1763
Peter Broadshaw & Mary Holder 3 Apr. 1763
George Paradise & Mary Carter of Berkeley, w. 22 June 1763
William Clark of Standish & Sarah Cox 22 June 1763
John Owen & Sarah Vaisey 12 Oct. 1763
Joseph Pearce & Mary Manning, w. 22 Jan. 1764
Thomas Hathaway of Dursley & Elizabeth Orchard 30 Jan. 1764
William Biford & Sarah Holder 13 Feb. 1764
William Nichols & Jane Gooding of Berkeley 8 Mar. 1764
Nathaniel Etheridge & Sarah Jacksons 21 Apr. 1764
William Pearce & Sarah Pegler 14 May 1764
Thomas Hare & Martha Wood 20 Aug. 1764
Edward Tainton & Sarah Heaven 6 Oct. 1764
Thomas Daw & Ann Hitchings 10 Oct. 1764
Josiah Smith & Catherine Glastenbury 16 Dec. 1764
Wm. Brisco & Mary Browning 25 Dec. 1764
John Powel of Uley & Mary Cowley 10 Feb. 1765
John Teather & Sarah Workman 9 June 1765
Thomas Wilkins of Cam & Elizabeth Niblett 4 July 1765
Samuel Wilkins of Cam & Susannah Mallett 10 Oct. 1765
William Days & Bridget Curtis 29 Oct. 1765
George Athaway & Elizabeth Ricketts 4 Jan. 1766
Joseph Sims & Sarah Wind of Berkeley 30 Jan. 1766
Thomas Browning & Mary King 12 Oct. 1766
George Long & Sarah Mallet 21 May 1767
William Stephens & Susannah Fords 21 July 1767
Richard Fennel & Sarah Holder 26 Nov. 1767
John Thomas & Elizabeth Taylor of Berkeley 5 Apr. 1768
Richard Morester & Mary Williams 7 Apr. 1767
William Pegler & Sarah Heaven 8 Apr. 1768
Richard Haviland of Berkeley & Deborah Horson 13 June 1768
John Parslow of Coaley & Ann Cole 17 July 1768
Richard Morris of Newnham & Mary Fletcher 15 Sep. 1768
William Morgan of Stroud & Rebecca Davis 13 Nov. 1768
Thomas Warner of Coaley & Mary Bick 4 May 1769
Nathaniel Adams of Frocester & Mary Tovey 12 June 1769
James Lord & Elizabeth Bendal 7 Aug. 1769
John Reeves & Betty Simmons 25 Nov. 1769
Thomas Ford of Coaley & Betty Hancock 17 Dec. 1769
Isaac Ford & Betty Cluar 15 Apr. 1770
John Cooksey & Elizabeth Driver 17 Apr. 1770
Nicholas Roder & Ann England 19 Apr. 1770
Joseph Bick & Margaret Grafton 19 Apr. 1770
Thomas Pearce & Deborah Pearce 8 May 1770
Nathaniel Underwood & Anna Maria Davis 21 May 1770
Anthony Cross & Esther Evans 26 Aug. 1770
Stephen Workman of Dursley & Elizabeth Seyer 20 Nov. 1770
Thomas Haynes of Frampton & Mary Seyer 28 July 1771
Samuel Cross & Elizabeth Wiggel 20 Oct. 1771
Moses Frape & Elizabeth Mallet 15 Oct. 1771
Benjamin Smith of Dursley & Mary Lawrence 28 Oct. 1771
Thomas Hood & Hannah Parslow 5 Nov. 1771
George Pegler & Elizabeth Pegler 23 Sep. 1772
Henry Foster & Mary Bradley 5 Oct. 1772
William Holder of Pauntley & Susannah Pewtress 20 Dec. 1772
William Hopton, w. & Ann Martin 7 Mar. 1773
Samuel Clark & Ann Bendal 17 Apr. 1773
John White & Elizabeth Bendall 26 Apr. 1773
Thomas Hulbert & Mary Purnell of Berkeley 21 May 1773
William Turner of Cam & Mary Lawrence 25 May 1773
William Cowley & Sarah Turner of Cam 25 May 1773
Joseph Long & Deborah Davies 10 July 1773
Daniel Sier of Westbury, Glos. & Ann Sims 15 Aug. 1773
Jonathan Holl & Elizabeth Horwood 4 Apr. 1774
Joseph Frape & Susannah Huntley 5 Apr. 1774
Richard Jones & Hannah Heaven 9 Apr. 1774
Richard Longstreth & Hannah Welstead 11 Apr. 1774
Thomas Burnett of Eastington & Ann Browning 20 Apr. 1774
Thomas Workman & Mary Allingder 3 Oct. 1774
Joshua Long & Ann Workman 9 Oct. 1774
Richard Woodward of Stinchcombe & Mary Payne 7 Nov. 1774